Saturday, 3 October 2009

London Vegetable Garden - October Update...


  1. I wouldn't beat yourself up over the squash; they tend to do that in autumn, it's just the way they go...we've got several squashes on our pole growing plants, I'll take a picture or two, and you can see that it is possible, and that your squash is just acting normally; autumn is such an untidy time!

  2. Hi Callum

    Sorry to hear about your squash. My gardening book says growing squash up canes shouldn't be a problem. It was probably as you said the size of the pot. Also, did you try pollinating by hand in the end?

    I only got 5 butternut squash to grow to a decent enough size and I've eaten 3 which actually went ripe! I think it's too late in the year for the other 2 to get ripe.

    Next year I'm going to try Uchiki Kuri (Red Kuri).

  3. I have put up a blog post about our butternut squash (on poles) - in the end we got about one or two per plant.

    We also have a few little green ones still ongoing which apparently are very nice fried. I reckon it's the size of pot too; I've seen courgettes grown in pots that size, but squash need so much water.

  4. Hi yah I just left you an award on my blog.

  5. I've just found your blog after following a link on Kella's blog. I've enjoyed reading about your project (I've read right back from the beginning), and I'm pleased to see that you've had so much success. Before I had my allotment I grew all my veg in containers on the patio, and even though I've now got an allotment I still grow some things in containers. Looking forward to reading an update.

  6. Don't think you'll get much more growth from your beetroot now as a bit late in the season. But don't despair. Cut the leaves off and add them to a mixed leaf salad- lovely!

  7. Just discovered your blog! What a great read! Lovely.

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