In recognition of this, I decided to set up the London Gardeners' Network; a social gardening website for all urban gardeners, whether you're from London or Luton, Birmingham or Brighton! On this site, you can upload your own gardening photos, ask gardening questions in the forums, read blog entries from our members, share gardening tips, watch horticultural videos – there's even a chat function!

This group has only been live for a fortnight, however it already has a thriving group of passionate urban gardeners sharing tips, advice, recipes, photos, videos and stories. If you're a keen urban gardener, why not come and check out the site for yourself? It's completely free and promises to be the number one destination for urban gardeners throughout the UK!
There's an army of urban gardeners out there just like you – come and be part of it by clicking here!
This is very coo! Like the idea!
Amazing how this group has continued to grow from the early days nearly 5 years ago, great work, great reading and lots of useful hints tips and articles for all gardeners. Great to see the grow your own revolution is spreading with speed.