Sunday 29 April 2012

Seedlings: The Game is Afoot!

As regular followers will be aware, I enjoyed a thoroughly marvellous week back in my native East Sussex last week, which meant that all of the seeds I had planted were left on the cool kitchen floor for nine days!

I had watered the pots well before I went and left them in a cool place away from direct sunlight in order to ensure that they wouldn't bake and dry out in my absence.  Not knowing what I would return to find, I was delighted to arrive back home in the Peak District and find courgette, cucumber, French bean and tomato seedlings all pushing their way through the soil.


As any vegetable gardener will know, planting from seed and starting out for the year is an exciting time.  As soon as those first seedlings start to show through the soil, the gardener truly knows that the game is afoot and a summer full of vegetable gardening is upon us.

I particularly like the way that this courgette plant has sprouted and is still adorning the seed pod it grew from!

As we move into the coming weeks, it's time to watch these seedlings progress and develop into sturdy plants that we can then think about hardening off and then placing outside.

How are your seedlings going?  Still waiting for shoots to appear, or are you enjoying a garden full of sturdy vegetable plants already?  Come and share your experiences, photos and comments with the London Vegetable Garden community on Facebook by clicking here, or why not follow us on Twitter, @londonveggarden - we look forward to seeing you there!

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